Life's Like That

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

X-men !!!

They finally decided to release the part 3 eh... I cannot remember how long I have waited for it, nor can I remember what happened in part 1 & 2 at all. But this is one of the best movies I have ever seen. I think the first released of X-Men did gave some other producers on new movies idea about mutant, such as the Fantastic-4.

Just to review the X-Men characters:

Wolverine - Possesses three retractable claws through the his skin between the knuckles. Can heal surface wounds in minutes and extensive injuries in hours.

Storm - Can sense and influence meteorological patterns. Can generate lightning from her body. Can fly by creating a wind strong enough to support her body.

Mystique - Can change her appearance exactly as any other human including finger and voice print as well as retina scans.

Jean Grey - Able to read minds, project thoughts and move objects with her mind.

Cyclops - Ability to project optical blast from his eyes with incredible and deadly force.

Angel - Can fly obviously. All aspects of his anatomy are adapted for flight.

Beast - Superhuman agility, strength and endurance.

Rogue - (The prettiest lady there...) Can absorb the energy of anyone that she comes into skin-to-skin contact with. For humans this means absorbing their life force, which usually results in a vegetative state for the victim.

Iceman - Can lower his external and internal body temperature allowing him to freeze liquid. (Gets to kiss Rogue... GRRrrr!)

Prof Xavier - Ability to alter and manipulate minds. Can appear as an image in the minds of others. Possess the most powerful telepath on the planet.

Magneto - Capable of manipulating and channeling magnetic fields. Able to fly by manipulating the earth's fields.

Kitty Pride - Can phase through solid objects by becoming intangible. Ability to use phasing to absorbs energy blasts and attacks, as well as to use it to move others through objects and surfaces.

Pyro - Can control fire by allowing it to grow in size, intensity and direction. Cannot create fire but requires only the smallest spark to ignite.

Colossus - Can convert body tissue into an organic steel-like substance, granting him superhuman strength and a high resistance to injury.

Juggernaut - Unstoppable force. Once the Juggernaut begins moving in a given direction no power on earth can stop him. Superhuman strength and near invulnerability.


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