Life's Like That

Friday, May 19, 2006

A much needed Friday

Apparently I believe we tend to enjoy the holidays more when you know you have a lot of work in mind. There is a perception in the public that the government officers do not have much work in comparison to the private sector employee. This is completely wrong. Being used to work in the private sector, I can assure that the Government officers have just as much work to do. I know this is subjective to the work scope but whoever used to think like me, please change your mindset.

I do believe however, that the Government officer although having a lot of work, they can still leave work on time. Why? This is because in whatever project they are dealing with, they are the top of the food-chain. In other words, the client. Which also means, they have the power to make all others wait, while those that is below the pyramid, could not do much and can only wait for them. But of course there are deadlines...


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