Life's Like That

Monday, April 16, 2007


Obvious quotes that I found online, however, they are interesting and maybe a reminder:
A person is among all else a material thing, easily torn not easily mended.
The hardest part isn't finding who we need to be;
it's being content with who we are.
Beware the fury of a patient man.
There is nothing wrong with men possessing riches but
the wrong comes when riches possess man.
Just when you think there is no one else to disappoint you, you disappoint yourself.
Life is the garment we continually alter but which never seems to fit.
Mistakes are inevitable, what separates a person from others is
the improvement made after a mistake is realised.
Silence is text easy to misread.

Falling asleep

I'm having difficulty trying to sleep now. Perhaps if you have consistent problems of sleeping, you could try the following (some are obvious):

1) Do something you like prior to sleeping, eg. take a bath, take a walk, play with pets, or anything intimacy.
2) Make tomorrow's to-do lists just before you go to bed to reduce your anxiety and keeps your organised.
3) Get yourself ready to sleep by relaxing a few hours advance.
4) Read the dullest book.
5) Avoid excitement shortly before bedtime.
6) Start counting
7) Change the bed, or bedsheets.
8) Adjust light levels to a comfortable level.
9) Get into comfortable position, loosen any tight or restrictive clothing.
10) Practice deep breathing
11) Listen to music. Soothing ones. Just like the one in this blog.

Sweet dreams.